Marathon, Half Marathon & Running Event Post Race Advice From City Physiotherapy Adelaide


Whether you are a first time or seasoned full or half marathon runner, post race you will be on a runners high for finishing your event after many months of running training and preparation. The key to a good post marathon, half marathon or running event recovery is what you do in the first few days after your marathon or running event.

The outcome of not following through on a good recovery include risk of injury, increased fatigue, mood swings and extreme muscle soreness.

At City Physiotherapy we advise on the following tips to prepare you for your post race recovery.

Recovery Advice:

  1. Drink lots of water
    Many of us don’t realise how much fluid can be lost during running. During your running event the wind evaporates a large portion of your sweat – this means that a lot of the fluid you lose is invisible, but can add up to 1-2 litres or water. Some of the signs to watch our for in post running dehydration can be headaches, concentrated urine which appears darker yellow in colour and feelings of being extremely exhausted. A swollen tongue and cracks/indentations in your lips can also be signs of a dehydrated body.
  2. Perform a warm down routine
    Warming down will make a huge difference to how your body responds in the first 1-2 days after your running event. This is when DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) starts to rear its ugly head. So it’s vitally important to warm down even if you do not feel like it at the time. Stay on your feet and keep moving and walking around the race precinct for about 5-10mins. Do a few light lower limb stretches of your quadriceps, hamstrings and calves immediately after the marathon or running event and keep increasing your stretching routine over the next few days.
  3. Book a remedial massage or some hands on physiotherapy
    At City Physiotherapy we encourage you to pre-book your post race remedial massage or hands on physiotherapy and dry needling appointment in the first 1-2 days after your event. This will really assist your muscles to re-lengthen and decrease soreness after all the hard work they did getting you over the finishing line.
  4. Wear compression garments
    Wear your compression socks, pants or shorts when you get home or even immediately post-race if you can get to them easily. Wearing these can significantly reduce your muscle soreness.
  5. Seven days later have a second remedial massage or hands on physiotherapy appointment
    It will usually takes 1-2 days for DOMS to kick in. Getting that second remedial massage or hands on physiotherapy appointment a week after a major running event can work wonders. This is quite important if you are looking to continue to run or participate in another event soon (eg the following weekend or fortnight). At City Physiotherapy our hands on Physiotherapists and accredited remedial massage therapists will work over any residual tight knots and bands that developed over the course of your running event.
  6. Legs up the wall
    A great way to encourage recovery is to lie with your legs resting up on a wall. This can facilitate blood flow and lymphatic drainage. Adopting this position can improve your mood and energy levels by bringing blood back to the brain. You can stretch in this position for for up to 15mins. Move your gluteals closer to the wall for comfort and to stretch your hamstrings. *Do not do this if you are suffering from acute low back pain, consult your City Physiotherapist first.

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