Jaw Pain in Runners

Experiencing jaw pain when running? Jaw pain in runners may not be that common, however experiencing jaw pain, whether during a run, exercise or at any time can be quite debilitating.  Jaw pain in runners is something that does affect quite a few people – so don’t think you are alone if you experience jaw pain when running. There are a variety of potential causes of pain and discomfort in the jaw. In this blog article we look at a few of the possible causes of jaw pain in runners (also applicable to non runners, office athletes, athletes and gym junkies, students and domestic warriors and everyone in between) and provide some tips on what you can do to alleviate your jaw pain.


This one is essential to know. Jaw pain can be a sign associated with having a heart attack. Other more widely known heart attack symptoms are of course chest pain and left sided arm pain. If you suspect you are having a heart attack or are with someone else who is complaining of these symptoms, do not delay, get them some medical attention as soon as possible.


Forward-Head Posture

Running with forward head posture, together with the impact forces of running itself, can contribute to you experiencing jaw pain. Your body is designed to take the forces of gravity and impact of running but if your posture is out of alignment you are putting various muscles and joints on a lot more tension than they are designed to tolerate. Imagine your neck to be like a stick and your head is a heavy ball. If the stick moves forward, that heavy ball ( your head) will feel much heavier.  If you are holding your head forwards, which is what you do all the time in forward head posture, your neck muscles are placed under a lot of tension. Your jaw pain can be indirectly related to your tight neck muscles as they are interrelated. The forces and impact of running can increase the tension in your neck further and refer pain to your jaw region.

Jaw Pain Physio Adelaide        Posture and Jaw Pain

If you recognise that you have adopted a forward-head posture at work or during your running ( ask a friend to observe what your head and neck are doing when you run or get them to take a video ) then you will need to start doing something about it. Small lifestyle changes such as reducing the amount of time you spend looking down at your phone, making adjustments to your work station and or computer screen can help. Simply pulling or retracting your chin and pulling your head back won’t be enough to keep it there.  You will need to learn some specific postural muscle re-education exercises aimed at improving the endurance capacity of your neck postural muscles.  City Physiotherapy Physio’s are trained and highly skilled in assessing the endurance capacity of your muscles. City Physio can teach you the correct exercises that will keep your head and neck in good alignment during running, walking and at work.

TMJ and Posture  Jaw Pain Treatment Adelaide


Jaw Clenching

Most people don’t even realize that they do clench their jaw regularly. Jaw clenching occurs mostly when we are focused on something intensely, such as a work task, exercise requiring effort, literally when we are chewing over a problem or during sleep. Regular jaw clenching is a common cause of jaw pain. Over a period of time, jaw clenching can create painful trigger points in your jaw muscles.

Most runners breathe with an open mouth, so clenching during a run is not usually the cause of your jaw pain. However, if you are a habitual jaw clencher as described above, you will have formed painful trigger points in your jaw muscles and these can be the reason you experience jaw pain whilst you are running or exercising.

Jaw Pain Physio


Temperomandibular Joint (TMJ ) Dysfunction

TMJ dysfunction can cause pain in your jaw and in the muscles surrounding your jaw. This can range from pain when you chew food, pain in and around your ear, hearing issues, face pain and pain and or difficulty opening and closing your mouth.  At City Physiotherapy our physiotherapists are skilled at the assessment and treatment of your TMJ Dysfunction. Once we treat your neck, head and jaw muscles, joints, fascia and nerves your jaw pain or symptoms will improve. Opting for physiotherapy before you go and get a night guard for your teeth is best as you may not require one at all after treatment, or we can alter the jaw and your bite with treatment so you don’t want to get one made only for it to not fit correctly. At City Physio we use a wide variety of treatment techniques to treat your jaw pain, from many specialised hands on treatment methods, dry needling, exercises, mindfulness relaxation, posture correction and more.


Jaw Pain Physio Adelaide    TMJ Treatment Adelaide


Check your Posture

Exercises that work on your overall posture control and dynamic control of your core can help minimise your jaw pain too. If you participate in exercises such as Physio Pilates or a specific postural exercise programme designed for you by our professionals, your jaw will thank you too. Maintaining good postural alignment from your head to your feet is our speciality and will translate to improved running form and increased enjoyment in your exercise and running as you don’t have pain to stop you from enjoying yourself.

Running Physio Adelaide  Neck and Jaw Pain Treatment Adelaide

If you experience jaw pain during running, or jaw pain, jaw tension or symptoms around your upper neck, head, jaw or ears give our friendly reception a call on 8212 4886 to book your appointment or book online at www.cityphysiotherapy.com.au

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