Shoulder Pain Adelaide

What is calcific tendonitis of the shoulder?

Calcific tendonitis in the shoulder is due to a build-up of calcium in the rotator cuff tendons, and is often aggravated by an existing condition, such as rotator cuff shoulder impingement or overuse tendonitis in the shoulder itself.
The cause of this condition is unknown. It usually occurs in people aged 30 to 40 years old, and can occur in both shoulders in about 15% of people.
When calcium builds up in the shoulder area, pain results from the acute inflammation. Calcium is deposited in the rotator cuff tendons, between the humerus and acromion bones, which then prevents normal, friction-free movement of the shoulder joint. Shoulder impingement or tendonitis, which reduces the mobility of the joint and can lead to degenerative changes in your shoulder joint and calcium deposition.

Why Does It Cause Shoulder Pain?

When calcium builds up in your tendon, it can cause a build up of pressure in the tendon, causing a chemical irritation. This leads to shoulder pain. The pain can be extremely intense. It is one of the worst pains in the shoulder and can be very acute in it’s presentation.
The calcium in the tendon makes the tendon swollen and this reduces the space between the rotator cuff and the acromion bone, as well as affecting the normal function of the rotator cuff muscles of your shoulder. This can lead to impingement of the sub-acromial space between the acromion and the calcium deposit in the rotator cuff tendons when lifting your arm overhead.

What is the Treatment for calcific tendonitis of the shoulder?

Treatment of calcific tendinitis of the shoulder involves:

  1. Pain relief and anti-inflammatory medication
  2. Shoulder and Neck Physiotherapy  – to keep your shoulder and neck muscles strong and flexible and reduce the irritation
  3. Dry Needling to reduce inflammation and improve movement in your shoulder and neck muscles
  4. Cortisone steroid injections – reduces inflammation and may assist to control the pain. Your Physiotherapist can refer you directly for scans and injections if required.

If you have shoulder pain then don’t put off treatment. Get help to today and see your physiotherapist City Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic to assist your recovery. Tel. 8212 4886.

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