Your Top Questions About Clinical Pilates Answered

Pilates is a low-impact form of exercise and body conditioning, designed to improve muscle strength, balance, and body alignment. Key principles include centralisation of the core, precision of movement, and bringing full attention and concentration to each exercise. 

Who is pilates for? 

Pilates is for every person, young or old, and at all levels of fitness. Clinical Pilates, sometimes called remedial, is often considered only to be for people with pain or injuries, however that is not the case. 

Clinical pilates takes everyone’s personal situation into consideration, tailoring the class and exercising to every person’s body – injury or not. Often we may have muscle imbalances or weaknesses that we do not know about. Getting an assessment from one of our instructors will enable a program to be written with exercises that are specifically tailored to your body. 

What is the difference between regular pilates and clinical pilates? 

Regular pilates is standardised, and has a general focus on strength and balance. Clinical Pilates is an individualised approach, taking each patient’s bodily differences into consideration. Due to the individual focus, it can reach treatment goals better than regular pilates. Pilates has significant therapeutic benefits, being safe and effective for many injuries and all levels of fitness. 

Clinical Pilates Classes at City Physio


What are the benefits of pilates? 

Pilates has a number of benefits to both your physical and mental wellbeing. 

1. Balance and strength

One of the key benefits is the focus pilates has on strengthening and balancing muscles throughout your core muscle group. Your core is arguably one of the most important parts of your body. It stabilises your spine, balances you, and allows you to move in any direction. It has a strong focus on strengthening your core, thus improving your balance.  

Pilates can also target any muscle group, which can be good if you have any specific injuries or areas required to be worked on for rehabilitation. General balance and strength is also good for older people, who typically lose some of their balance as they get older. 

2. Improves Posture

As stated, pilates is known to have a fairly strong focus on your core. A strong core helps you stand and sit straighter, keeping you more stabilised as you go about any daily activities. Most people consider the ‘core’ to be the stomach muscles, but also includes sides, back, and hips, as everything in your body is connected. A strong core also helps to stabilise your spine, which further helps to improve your posture. 

3. Relieving arthritis symptoms

Arthritis is a painful condition, and sometimes it can be hard to be motivated to exercise when it is causing you pain. Pilates is effective at targeting and relieving pain and stiffness, which is particularly good for people who have arthritis and osteoarthritis. Pilates supports healthy joints, by strengthening the muscles in surrounding areas. Many techniques also involve stretching and lengthening muscles, which improves circulation around the joints. 

4. It is beneficial when pregnant

Pilates exercise is a low-impact workout that many pregnant women opt for. It takes a significant amount of pressure off joints, and increases core strength. At City Physio, we can specifically target areas that are troubling you during your pregnancy. For example, we often target the lower back and pelvic floor, by strengthening and increasing flexibility, as they can often become painful during pregnancy. 

5. Tones muscles

One of the more commonly known benefits is pilates tones muscles. The exercises have a focus on the whole body, which encourages strength across the whole body. Balancing muscles in your body helps with carrying out everyday activities, prevents injuries, and increases overall strength. 

Toning and improving your muscle strength has many benefits. While it may be personally satisfying to notice an improvement, you may also notice differences in your everyday activities, such as walking up stairs without feeling out of breath, or carrying heavy things around your house more easily. 

6. Promotes body awareness

Pilates helps to get you in tune with your body and how it responds to your daily activities. It can make you mindful of how your body should be aligned, and how it should feel when using certain muscles. This helps bring awareness to injuries or muscle imbalances. 

Having better body awareness can help with spatial awareness and mindfulness, and when coupled with improved balance, you may notice yourself no longer walking into things as much. 

7. Stress relief

Pilates is a great way to relieve stress because it promotes mindfulness. You are encouraged to only focus on the exercises and movements you are doing in that particular moment. Further, the focus on breath helps us to feel aligned as a whole being. 

8. Overall wellbeing

Being a full-body workout, the release of endorphins from a pilates class will improve your overall wellbeing. Going to regular classes helps to keep you fit and active, allowing you to socialise, and improve your quality of life.

Rehabilitation with a pilates reformer City Physio

Why should I do pilates at City Physiotherapy rather than a pilates studio? 

Remedial pilates at City Physiotherapy Adelaide is run by our qualified physiotherapists, who have more in depth knowledge about anatomy and muscles than a lot of instructors.  

Our Physiotherapists will devise a personalised program for you that takes into account where your body is right now, including pain levels, any past or present injuries, or muscle imbalances. We conduct therapeutic exercise classes or independent pilates sessions at our Adelaide CBD gym. We only perform specific exercises that are part of your overall strategy. We will look after you. 

For more information about our pilates and therapeutic exercise classes, click here

Adelaide Pilates classes – Is Pilates for men too?

Pilates method was created by Joseph Pilates over 50 years ago. Male Pilates physiotherapists and instructors have been teaching Pilates ever since as have female Pilates physiotherapists and female Pilates instructors. The rise in popularity of Physio Pilates & dynamic core stability classes in Adelaide more recently though has seen such an increase in female participants, Pilates Physios and instructors such that you may be forgiven for thinking that Pilates classes are for women only. This is definitely not true.  Adelaide Pilates classes are suitable for both men and women. Pilates-inspired core stability classes with Physiotherapists are becoming more and more popular as the benefits of dynamic core stability is a great way to improve fitness & strength in a controlled way that won’t injure you.

Pilates For Men

Core strength, increased flexibility, balance, upper body strength, gluteal strength and engagement of endurance postural muscles as well as efficient movement patterns – all are part of what Pilates-inspired classes can achieve and are highly relevant to both men’s and women’s fitness. The coordination of movement patterns part of dynamic core stability can be very beneficial for men because men often workout their body with a part-by-part approach to developing their muscles ie. Gym or weightlifting.

City Physiotherapy Adelaide Dynamic core stability classes emphasize movement from the centre of your body and developing your core strength in your deep stabilising muscles of your trunk to help protect your back.  Dynamic Core strength training is a great way to gain whole body fitness, as well as providing a strong foundation for training for other exercise or sports such as running, cycling or team sport.

Our Adelaide dynamic core stability classes will help you improve your flexibility, especially in your hips and hamstrings. We have found that this is something that most men need more of, as our daily work is often sedentary or sitting based which can contribute to becoming tight in these muscles. City Physiotherapy exercise classes will work your body in a functional fitness way that is not unachievable like some yoga poses.

Working with dynamic core stability is a focused body and mind exercise with emphasis on your bodies overall alignment and control.  You will be taught to work on the spring-loaded equipment such as our spring -loaded reformers, trapeze, and wunda chair resistance equipment. The lightest setting on some of the equipment is often the most challenging for your core muscles. To book in for our physio exercise sessions you will initially have a 1:1 Physio assessment. A dynamic core stability programme will be designed with your needs in mind and you will learn how to operate the equipment and perform your exercises.  Once you have this mastered you can then progress to one of our popular Adelaide Physio supervised dynamic core stability exercise classes.

Adelaide Pilates

Adelaide Pilates classes

Why Clinical Pilates? How does it work?

Clinical Pilates is essentially about you learning to control your body, its position and its movement patterns. Why is that important? If your movement patterns are not controlled then you are essentially overusing some muscles and underusing other muscles – creating an imbalance. This can, over time, place excess stress and tension on your body’s neuro- musculo- skeletal system – leading to injury, wear and tear and dysfunctional patterns becoming set and your new normal.

Pilates classes

Pilates teaches us to break old, poor/ dysfunctional movement patterns and to switch on areas of your body that have essentially become dormant, in other words, we wake up muscles that need to be used.

Once you learn how to switch on those muscles with your clinical Pilates Physio, which are often your core muscles, your City Physiotherapy Pilates Physiotherapist will work with you individually to improve the strength and endurance of your core muscles and your body in general. You’ll see improvements in your body’s overall fitness, strength, flexibility and a reduction in pain.

Pilates classes

Our enthusiastic Clinical Pilates Physiotherapists are motivated to get your body back to its optimum performance. In fact they are so excited to work with our patients to achieve long-term results because of their passion for pilates and for people. For more information or to book your Clinical Pilates session call our friendly reception on 8212 4886. Make it the gift of better health for you.

Pilates Classes Adelaide

Pilates Classes Adelaide

Why do Pilates with a Physiotherapist when they run Pilates classes at my gym?

This is often a question that our patients ask as they have already spent money on a gym membership. The gym timetable states it is a Pilates class so it’s all the same, right? The answer is no, it’s not the same.

Here we explain the reasons why you should consider doing Clinical Pilates class with a Physiotherapist.

Physiotherapists have undergone a minimum of 4 years of University education as well as annual ongoing continuing education.  We have expert knowledge and training about all things musculoskeletal to do with your body, how it functions, how it should move and how you can get it to function the way it is designed to.  We do this with your safety in mind and our experience to lead you to making changes and reaching your goals.

City Physiotherapy – Pilates classes Adelaide

Sessions are initially a 1:1 assessment with our Pilates Physiotherapist.  They will assess the way you move, ascertain what is working and what isn’t working and where the issues lie within your musculoskeletal system.  They will then design a specific Pilates rehabilitation program for you.  You will work 1:1 with our Pilates Physiotherapist to learn how to activate your core and how to perform your Pilates program.  There will be a variety of Pilates equipment to learn how to use, including Pilates reformer, Pilates Trapeze, Pilates Wunda Chair, Pilates magic circle, Pilates chi ball, Pilates ladder and Pilates barrel as well as Pilates mat and other equipment to assist in your muscle activation. Once you are well versed in activating your core and can use the equipment safely, you can progress into our popular small group Pilates classes in Adelaide or individual Pilates sessions in the Pilates studio.

This focused expert attention is required to give you the best possible opportunity to learn how to use your core muscles.  Gym based Pilates classes, whilst good for general fitness, do no provide professional and the individual level of attention and training required to understand and assess if you are activating your core muscles properly.

What is your Core anyway?

The core muscles are muscles that provide the foundation from which the rest of your body moves.   Getting your core activated is not a simple task.  If it were simple, then many people wouldn’t experience the consequences of having used their bodies, over time on an unstable and malfunctioning core.

You often don’t even know that your core muscles are not working properly.  They can switch off and essentially stay on holidays, not working at all, for many different reasons – injuries, too much sitting or sedentary work/lifestyle, other muscles being over active, pregnancy etc.  Even if you are super fit, go to the gym, deadlift and squat, play sport or can run a marathon this does not always equate to your core muscles working as they are designed to.

So if you can do all these activities already why bother activating your core?  What’s the point?

Well of you were to purchase a house and needed to make a decision between two homes that you really loved. You might employ a building inspector to assess the two homes to assist in your decision.  One home passes the inspection easily, the other home whilst looks beautiful now, has been found to have been built on a poor foundation.  The house will eventually crack or sink, causing structural issues to the home. The structural issues will eventually cause costly damage to walls, ceilings, support structures and fixtures.  Repair and maintenance will be required to stabilize the foundations and any resulting damage.

Your body is much the same.  If you carry on activities on a weak or unstable foundation, eventually cracks and damage will appear throughout your body. This can start with small niggles here and there and lead to excessive wear and tear and eventually injuries or irreparable damage.

You would avoid the house with the poor foundation, so why not give your body the best possible chance of avoiding damage by learning how to switch on your core muscles effectively and accurately with the assistance of a professional Pilates Physiotherapist to improve your core strength, stability and endurance.

Book in for  Pilates assessment for our Pilates classes Adelaide small group sessions by phoning reception on 8212 4886.



Back Pain Pilates

Back Pain Pilates

What does Pilates do for Low Back Pain?

If you have poor core strength it can lead to instability and injuries such as low back pain. Improving your core strength and stability with back pain Pilates is an important step in the rehabilitation of anyone who has low back pain.  Whether your pain is from injury, a sedentary job with too much sitting, over working your back muscles though training, sport or work or pre and post pregnancy. Back  pain Pilates with your Adelaide Physiotherapist will offer you professional learning of appropriate Pilates core strength exercises to prevent further injury and to minimise your pain.


Back Pain Pilates to improve balance

Pilates classes and programs at City Physio will incorporate balance exercises.  Balance is very important for everyone, especially as we get older, are less active or even in pregnancy. Improving your balance will improve your neuromuscular control.  The connections your brain has through your nervous system to your and muscles and how they communicate with each other.

Pilates to treat my injury and ongoing injury management

Pilates can be used as a form of treatment for patients with acute or longstanding issues. Pilates rehabilitation with the guidance of our professional Pilates Physiotherapists, is a form of rehabilitation that can be used to reduce your pain and improve your muscle function.

Back Pain Pilates

Pilates to prevent injury

Prevention is better than cure wherever possible. With the experience of our Physiotherapists in identifying muscle imbalances in your body, poor movement patterns can be addressed to keep you injury free so you can to continue playing sport, going to the gym, running, looking after family or doing your work without pain.

Strengthen Posture

Pilates exercises the muscles that form the core foundation muscles of your body. Strengthening your postural muscles endurance capabilities with Pilates will help you get through your work day with as little pain as possible. Most jobs require us to sit for extended periods of time.  Sitting can lead to weak postural muscles leaving your body without the proper foundation for movement and control. Without good postural support injuries such as lower back and neck pain are more common.

Pilates tailored for each individual

Everyone is different and a Pilates exercise that works for one patient may not be suitable another patient, even if they have the same injury. Physiotherapist Pilates means that you get an individualised program that is specific to you reaching your goals.

Will Pilates Improve Your Cycling? City Physiotherapy Says Yes


Ok, so now you’ve invested in a great bike, it’s set up for you and you are doing your post cycling stretches – what you may not know is how much difference good pelvic and core stability makes to your overall cycling performance. It’s is a lot cheaper to work on your body and your core stability than it is to keep up with the latest bike from Europe!

If you’re out on your bike and you’re riding behind someone take a look at the hips and pelvis of the riders in front of you. You’re looking for movement of the pelvis or hips. Sometimes hips will sheer, dip, drop or twist. Even subtle movement here makes a big difference- 5mm is too much movement.

If you have movement present you must strengthen your core, pelvic and gluteal muscles. Clinical Pilates will strengthen your stabilising muscles to eliminate this movement, which not only helps to decrease your chance of a chronic injury or muscular tightness, it will help increase the power of your cycling.

Movement through the pelvis is one of the most common signs of a lack of pelvic and core muscle control on the bike, however another sign can be your knee rolling inwards instead of having good alignment and pressing down in line with the hip joint and your pedal.

Why does good core and pelvic stability matter and what does it mean to you?

The consequence of an unstable pelvis is that it will lead to an increase in wear and tear on your lumbar spinal discs. In addition to this, if your gluteal stabilising muscles are weak, other muscles need to work harder to try to stabilise your pelvis when you are out riding. This will result in pain in your back, knees, tight ITBs and more.

If I just ride more won’t my gluteals and core just get stronger?

City Physiotherapy says No. Your Gluteus Maximus may get stronger (it’s posible) but your stabilising muscles of the buttocks and your core definitely won’t. These muscles need to be trained specifically and targeted individually without using the larger more dominant ones.

How do I improve my core and gluteal stabilising muscles?

The answer is Clinical Pilates. At City Physiotherapy we have highly trained physiotherapists who can assess your individual stability issues and work with you one on one basis to start to activate these muscles. Once your Physiotherapist is happy that you are engaging these muscles correctly and can use the Pilates equipment safely you can join one of our popular small group Pilates classes.

City Physiotherapy Pilates sessions are claimable under your private health insurance extra’s. Give us a call on 8212 4886 to start your City Physiotherapy Pilates programme. Happy Cycling.

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