Top 5 Tips to Relieve Shoulder Discomfort Bench Press Strains

The worst part about bench pressing is the excruciating shoulder pain that comes with it. According to a significant population-based 2018 survey from South Australia, 22% of adults reported having shoulder symptoms in the community.

Whether a beginner or an experienced lifter, you’ve probably experienced some shoulder discomfort bench press strains. It’s a common issue, but luckily, there are ways to relieve the discomfort and continue with your lifting routine. 

Here’s what you need to know.

What Causes Shoulder Pain Bench Press?

Shoulder pain during the bench press is a common issue that can stem from various factors. Understanding these causes can help you fix shoulder pain and improve your performance. Here are the most common reasons for benching with shoulder pain or a proper bench press form.

Poor form and technique

Poor form and technique are among the main reasons shoulders hurt when bench pressing. This includes taking too wide or narrow a grip, flaring your elbows out, or arching your back excessively. Other technical mistakes can lead to rotator cuff injury, such as not keeping your shoulders tight and packed or not maintaining a stable and flat back.

These issues create extra strain on the shoulders during the bench press, leading to discomfort and potential injury.

Muscle imbalances

Weak muscles in certain areas can strain other muscles, leading to discomfort or shoulder pain on bench presses. For example, weak upper back or tight chest muscles can put extra stress on the shoulders when bench pressing and even cause knee pain.


Like any workout, overdoing it can lead to injuries and pain. If you constantly push yourself to lift heavier weights without giving your body enough time to recover, you may experience shoulder pain when bench pressing. Bench press variation depending on the shoulder position can also be helpful to avoid rotator cuff strain or ball and socket joint injury.

Previous injuries

If you’ve had a prior shoulder injury or have weak shoulder impingement, bench pressing can aggravate these issues and cause pain. The pain may also be a sign of underlying shoulder health problems, so it’s essential to get checked out by a physiotherapist.

Improper warm-up

Not adequately warming up your shoulder muscles before lifting can also contribute to shoulder hurting when benching. Cold muscles are more prone to strains and injuries. Warm up your shoulders with dynamic stretches and foam rolling before bench pressing.

Lifting Beyond Your Strength

Pushing yourself to lift weights that are too heavy for your current strength level can also lead to shoulder pain during chest exercises. It’s essential to progress gradually and listen to your body’s limits rather than trying to lift more than you can handle.

Identifying why your shoulder hurts when benching and addressing it to prevent further discomfort is essential. Shoulder blades that are not stable and well-positioned can lead to pain when you bench press movement and pressing.

relieve shoulder

What Is the Shoulder Joint’s Anatomy?

The shoulder joint consists of multiple bones, muscles, and ligaments. The rotator cuff muscles are crucial in stabilising the joint and facilitating movement. The shoulder blades (scapulae) provide a foundation for the joint and help control the movement of the AC joint. Understanding the anatomy of the shoulder joint is essential for preventing and relieving shoulder pain.

Tips to Relieve Shoulder Discomfort

It’s crucial always to use the correct form and technique when performing bench presses. This popular weightlifting exercise is notorious for causing shoulder discomfort, which can ultimately lead to severe injuries if shoulder instability is not appropriately addressed. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced lifter, here are some tips to help relieve shoulder pain from bench press.

1. Master Proper Form and Technique

One of the main reasons for shoulder joint pain in bench press is incorrect form and technique. Before lifting heavy weights, you should master the proper form and technique to ensure your shoulders are not under excessive strain.

2. Strengthen Your Rotator Cuff

Always do exercises that target the rotator cuff muscles, such as internal and external rotations. Use light weights and high reps to improve muscle endurance and strength. Strengthening the rotator cuff can help strengthen the shoulder joint and reduce the risk of injury.

3. Modify the Movement to Reduce Strain

Consider using a dumbbell bench press or kettlebell bench press to reduce stress on the shoulder joint. Modify the movement to the shoulder width, reduce the range of motion, or use a partial range of motion. Experiment with different grip widths to find a comfortable position that reduces strain on the shoulder joint. You can visit us at City Physiotherapy for tailored exercise sessions that will help you reduce strain.

4. Prioritise Injury Prevention

Warm up properly before each bench press exercise and press to reduce the risk of injury, making you have shoulder pain during a bench press. Pick a weight that will let you keep the correct form and technique. Remain away from overtraining and take regular rests to recuperate.

Consider incorporating injury prevention exercises, such as shoulder blade squeezes and rotator cuff strengthening exercises, into your workout routine.

5. Consider Alternatives to the Barbell Bench Press

If you continue to experience significant shoulder discomfort despite trying different techniques, consider alternatives to the barbell bench press. Machines and cable presses can provide a more controlled range of motion and reduce strain on the shoulders.

6. Listen to Your Body

Pay attention to any warning signs of discomfort or pain while performing bench presses. If you experience any sharp, shooting, or persistent pain in your shoulders, stop immediately and consult a doctor or physical therapist.

Bench Press Strains

7. Stretch and Foam Roll Regularly

Incorporating regular stretching and foam rolling sessions into your workout routine can help alleviate tension in the muscles surrounding your shoulder joints. Focus on stretches that target your chest, back, and shoulders to release tightness and improve mobility.

8. Seek Professional Guidance

If you continue to experience significant shoulder discomfort despite trying different techniques, seek professional guidance from a doctor or physical therapist. At City Physiotherapy, we can assess  your form and technique and provide personalised exercises and stretches to help alleviate pain and prevent future injuries.

9. Take a Break

Finally, if you have been experiencing consistent shoulder discomfort, it may be time to take a break from bench pressing altogether. Allow your shoulders to rest and recover while focusing on other exercises that don’t put as much strain on the joint. Remember, proper form and technique are essential for any exercise, so always prioritise safety over lifting heavy weights.

Incorporating these tips into your workout routine can help prevent and alleviate shoulder discomfort from bench presses. You can then continue progressing on your fitness journey without risking future injury.

Final Word

Shoulder discomfort during bench pressing can be frustrating and painful. However, by understanding the underlying causes of shoulder pain bench and using these concepts, you can safely treat shoulder soreness and continue your lifting routine.

Remember to prioritise injury prevention and always listen to your body to avoid further pain or injuries. With proper form, technique, and exercises to strengthen the shoulder joint, you can make bench pressing pain-free again. Contact us for further assistance if you feel overwhelmed with your shoulder pain. You can schedule an appointment with City Physiotherapy by calling 8212 4886 to book your next appointment.


What are the common causes of shoulder joint pain during bench pressing?

Shoulder pain during bench pressing often arises from poor form, improper grip, extending beyond your range of motion, muscle imbalances, and joint dysfunction. A wide grip can stress the shoulders, while rounded shoulders may lead to rotator cuff impingement, causing pain in the front of the shoulder.

How can I adjust my grip to prevent shoulder discomfort?

To prevent shoulder discomfort, ensure your grip is not wider than one and a half times your shoulder width. A proper grip allows your elbows to be positioned about 45 degrees from your ribcage, which helps maintain optimal joint angles and reduces shoulder stress.

What exercises can strengthen my shoulders and prevent pain?

Incorporating rotator cuff strengthening exercises, such as internal and external rotations, dumbbell front raises, and reverse flys, can enhance shoulder stability and reduce injury risk. Additionally, using dumbbells instead of barbells can allow for better control and less strain on the shoulder joints.

What should I do if I experience shoulder pain while bench pressing?

If you experience shoulder pain, consider reducing the weight you lift, adjusting your grip, or switching to alternative pressing exercises like incline presses or using dumbbells. Implementing the RICE method (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) can provide immediate relief, and consulting a healthcare professional may be necessary if pain persists.

How can I gradually increase my bench press weight without risking injury?

To safely increase your bench press weight, focus on mastering your form first. Gradually progress in small increments, allowing your muscles and joints to adapt. Avoid lifting weights that compromise your technique, and prioritise quality over quantity in your training sessions.

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