Back Pain Pilates

Back Pain Pilates

What does Pilates do for Low Back Pain?

If you have poor core strength it can lead to instability and injuries such as low back pain. Improving your core strength and stability with back pain Pilates is an important step in the rehabilitation of anyone who has low back pain.  Whether your pain is from injury, a sedentary job with too much sitting, over working your back muscles though training, sport or work or pre and post pregnancy. Back  pain Pilates with your Adelaide Physiotherapist will offer you professional learning of appropriate Pilates core strength exercises to prevent further injury and to minimise your pain.


Back Pain Pilates to improve balance

Pilates classes and programs at City Physio will incorporate balance exercises.  Balance is very important for everyone, especially as we get older, are less active or even in pregnancy. Improving your balance will improve your neuromuscular control.  The connections your brain has through your nervous system to your and muscles and how they communicate with each other.

Pilates to treat my injury and ongoing injury management

Pilates can be used as a form of treatment for patients with acute or longstanding issues. Pilates rehabilitation with the guidance of our professional Pilates Physiotherapists, is a form of rehabilitation that can be used to reduce your pain and improve your muscle function.

Back Pain Pilates

Pilates to prevent injury

Prevention is better than cure wherever possible. With the experience of our Physiotherapists in identifying muscle imbalances in your body, poor movement patterns can be addressed to keep you injury free so you can to continue playing sport, going to the gym, running, looking after family or doing your work without pain.

Strengthen Posture

Pilates exercises the muscles that form the core foundation muscles of your body. Strengthening your postural muscles endurance capabilities with Pilates will help you get through your work day with as little pain as possible. Most jobs require us to sit for extended periods of time.  Sitting can lead to weak postural muscles leaving your body without the proper foundation for movement and control. Without good postural support injuries such as lower back and neck pain are more common.

Pilates tailored for each individual

Everyone is different and a Pilates exercise that works for one patient may not be suitable another patient, even if they have the same injury. Physiotherapist Pilates means that you get an individualised program that is specific to you reaching your goals.

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